Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Dollar ReDe$ign Project
The Dollar ReDe$ign Project hopes to bring about change for everyone. We want to rebrand the US Dollar, rebuild financial confidence and revive our failing economy.
Check out some works there. some are wow while some are urgh!!!! haha!



Very talented young lad. Check some of his works in his very simple to navigate site! Nicolas Tual is quite a fresh grad but his talent is superb.! he has a few self art directed works and his illustrations are really eye catching. i love the colours he used and the characters he created. It is so awesome to be able to use your own personal style and touch on your client's work. I mean it's a great way to spread your art...

For now my design work has to cater to client's guidelines. I hope someday I get to spread my personal touch on big brands too.

Lovely lovely inspiration!

Oh, by the way, Erica is gonna feature in a segment tomorrow night on Channel News Asia. I better not miss that one! My classmates are all doing well. Viet tu is in Edinburgh taking her masters. I last hear Joanne is an berlin doing god know what. But im sure she's having a helluva fun time! And jie ni is launching her FYP book on chinese superstitions, which is super great!

I do have visions to expands my fyp. But im getting more drawn to geometric and minimalist things nowadays. perhaps i can incorporate that interest into my works. speaking of which, i need to build my folio soon. lots to do.... this is super exciting! but quite nerve wrecking!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Luke Elliot

This guy is super neat man. I like his works. Simple yet with a touch of wittyness. it's light hearted, it's fun. Check him out and also in the latest October issue of Computer Arts!! I'm gonna get one next week cause ive bought too many design magazines this time round! hahah that would be my number one october splurge!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


my latest addiction
prolly subscribe to this to save some bucks
awesome awesome awesome thing...


dark clouds looming.
i feel messy. i feel lost.
i feel i need to make quick moves.
before the lightning strikes
and blow my chances away..

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Firebelly is a super-talented team of patient listeners, genius problem solvers and forward thinking designers.

I agree so! Love their works and the causes they worked for..check them out!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Friday, September 3, 2010


Awesome awesome Mike Lemanski

He's really good I tell ya. My daily feed of pretty visuals and colour palettes... I must say this guy's works are the awesomest ones I had so far this week. Have been busy at work I didnt have time to look for exquisite stuff. Now, his graphic skills have just made my day!!

Stalk him on his site and blog now!


Atelier Martino&JaƱa

Lovely lovely work! I'm kinda obsessed with publication design now. I feel so drawn into those contrasting images and clean, concise type layout. Like the example above, these are works from Atelier Martino & Jana. Click on their name to visit their site!

I'm doing some publication design myself. A health products company newsletter. I refuse to make it plain and boring just because it's so corporate. I hope the clients will be open to my design. Did sent the first draft. So far so good. But I want to work on the cover. Not working for me yet now... Somehow it just lacks something. Like there's no flair to it yet....I was hoping they would choose the one I really like. But they chose the generic safe option. Blearrgghh!

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Really cool campaign!
Would like to see them on the street actually but I doubt Singapore would allow visuals like this...Nevertheless I love how the illustrations merge with the real subject. And it's witty and so-in-your-face!

Thanks sam for posting this on your fb wall!
I love chancing upon little little delights like this... especially when you are zoning out at work.. heh heh..

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Movie Night! Yay!
And so we have our movie night in the office. Pulled some sofas over to the plasma and ordered some pizzas! typical movie night but what we watched that night was not the usual thing colleagues and bosses would normally watch.

we had a list of movies to choose from an email and battle royale seemed to be the most interesting and not in black and white! well it fits the bill. we wanted something exciting and not too old... besides, it's related to us, angsty young people! I should have taken a picture of hanis's face when she was watching the movie. squirming facial expressions, shaking her head in disbelief and in total shock with no comments. and cursing us for watching the gore movie!

what a fun night!